Sunday 16 March 2008

I am so confused.... LIfe?

I felt so confused lately. There are things in life that really out of our hand. A lot of things we cant control it. Yet if you hold it too tight, it will get rid off easily.
Lately i have been bothered by a few things. I am so worried about myself, my career, my health, my future. And i am very worried about a close friend of mine also. I wish that this friend of mine will start to stay focus and work hard! At the same time, i am worried about a dear brother and friend in Singapore also. All the best to him. Although i seldom keep in touch closely with him, but i do really care a lot about him. I knew that he has been bothered by a lot of problems lately. Tomorrow is a better day! cheers!

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What is life? And why should we care? Well to begin with, we are living beings, and that fact distinguishes us from most things in the Universe. Though humans are not the only living things, we are among the few, so understanding the nature of life might be an important step toward understanding ourselves.