Thursday 8 May 2008

When you are down and lost....

When you are down and lost.... you must keep telling yourself, tomorrow will be a better day!
Understand, appreciate and love ourselve, not in the sens of indulgence, but to understand that we have shortcoming, to accept that we have weaknesses, and that will enable us to open up, and reach up for help, and that is the very important step toward regaining your self-esteem, your confident on the road to recovering. We must that give up easily no matter how owful we might failed.
I will live everyday to a full, with the positive happy attitude. I hope you will also! Take care.... 530

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What is life? And why should we care? Well to begin with, we are living beings, and that fact distinguishes us from most things in the Universe. Though humans are not the only living things, we are among the few, so understanding the nature of life might be an important step toward understanding ourselves.